It’s easy enough to say that you will sue for something that happened to you. It’s more difficult if the situation isn’t something anyone would ordinarily hire an attorney for. Knowing when you really do need to hire an attorney can save you thousands of dollars for the times when you don’t need a lawyer at all.
When Your Quality of Life Is Lessened
Personal injuries that are minor and do not cost you anything do not require a lawyer’s assistance. Personal injury cases where your quality of life is negatively impacted and expected to last a long time do need a lawyer. If you cannot do most of the things you did before your accident or injury incident occurred, hire an attorney.
When There’s a Major Financial Impact
Faced with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in bills and expenses through no fault of your own is not something you should leave alone. An attorney can file a suit for you to get compensation when you have experienced extreme financial hardship. If you also cannot work as a result of the incident or accident, compensation may be available for lost wages.
When There’s a Loss of Property That Exceeds a Certain Dollar Value
Thieves, arsons, etc., all cause property damage and loss. Contractors of various types can also cause property damage and loss. It’s different in terms of legal definitions of loss and criminal liability, but it’s still loss in excess of certain dollar values. Check with your attorney to see if your property losses fall under this type of litigation. If so, restitution is the only way to legally recoup what is lost.
When There’s a Loss of Life
If you lost a close family member as a result of criminal negligence or medical malpractice, you can and should hire an attorney. The deceased isn’t present to argue for compensation for loss of life, but you can. Most states limit this type of lawsuit to spouses, parents, and children, although there may be allowances for extended family and special circumstances.
When You Are the One Being Sued
You never want to be without legal counsel when someone else has filed a lawsuit against you. If you find yourself in this situation, definitely hire an attorney. You will need the best legal defense possible.